March went by so fast. Between traveling, family, and events I can't decide where to start; so how about the beginning?
I traveled to Salt Lake City, Utah in late February for a work trip. I was glad to see faces instead of profile pictures on my monitor all week long. Working remotely has its ups and downs, and a new scenery and a faster pace of work was a nice change. I feel like I learn a lot more when I'm on-site and I try and talk to people I otherwise wouldn't have had the opportunity to. I met a good many people from other teams within the program both onsite and at a company dinner during that week. Finally, I got to meet someone from my team for the first time at dinner. And the first comment he made was that I was a lot taller than he expected.
After spending a week in Salt Lake, I traveled to Hawaii to spend time with my sister, family, and the newest addition of my first nephew! It was absolutely remarkable to hold him when he wasn't even 24 hours old. Being with my family when he was whining, sleeping, and all the above was unlike anything else. We took him to a black sand beach for the first time and took his first photo shoot. Just being around my family was amazing and seeing my sister become "mom" now makes me feel young... I mean old.
I always love going to Hawaii because it's such a beautiful place to change my environment. My sister has always had a healthy lifestyle, and the first time I experienced it was when I spent a summer with her in Hawaii 2 years ago. I realized immediately it was exactly the change I needed in my life. Going for a walk on the beach or simply being with nature, eating healthy foods, and waking up early are just a few things that I've always tried to preserve from Hawaiian culture. The lifestyle change was exactly the 180 turn that I still try to incorporate into my life today. Every time I take a trip to see them it's a much-needed grounding moment and a step back from the reality of a super fast world.
The weekend I came back from Hawaii was St. Patrick's Day weekend and I had a great weekend with close friends. I was so happy to see Heather because it had been a super long 4 weeks apart. I also seemed to have developed an urge to golf anytime an ounce of sun was overhead. After golfing four times in the last 2 weeks, I won't stop until I break 100... or my driver.
Heather and I finished up the month by seeing Zach Bryan play at Capital One Arena and it was amazing! This was the second time I have seen Zach Bryan perform and it was just as great as the first. I swear there is nothing like seeing your favorite music artists perform live. It makes me feel so ecstatic to hear my favorite songs being sung right in front of me. I still can't believe he didn't play Something in the Orange. However, he had some other good songs to make up for it, like Nine Ball, Tishomingo, Hey Driver, and Oklahoma City.
This was also the first time that I'd seen a concert have a platform stage in the middle of the venue. We had seats on the second deck and it was super cool to watch him and the band walk around and play at each part of the stage. The seats had a corner view so he faced us at two of the four mics, which turned out to be an awesome seat selection.
The first quarter of 2024 seemed to blow by all too fast. By keeping up with a few blog posts here and there, I hope to be much more intentional with my time and goals ahead. I'm super thrilled about completing a few goals within the last few months, especially completing my undergrad. As April comes and Spring gets warmer, I look forward to progressing toward my goals.
Until next time,
Updated Impossible List:
A few completions and changes have been made within the last few months, so here's the highlights:
Graduate college
Bachelor's of Science in Computer Science from Frostburg State University
Graduate college without debt
Complete Dave Ramsey's Baby Step 3
Go to 10 concerts
Bulk to 210 lbs
2024 Goals
Read 10 books
Go to 5 concerts
Finish 75Hard
Run a Spartan Race
CompTIA certification
Current Focuses
Max Roth IRA in a single year
Get a passport
Train for a Spartan Race in Oahu, Aug 17-18

Do you have any ideas or have a helping hand in making one of these goals possible? I'd love to connect, leave a comment!